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Version: 4.xx.xx

Simple REST

The Simple REST data provider is a package that provides an implementation for working with REST APIs that conform to a standard API design. It is built on the foundation of the json-server package.

You can use this data provider to quickly get started with refine and then customize it to fit your specific needs.

Run the following command to install:

npm install @refinedev/simple-rest


The package exports a function that accepts two parameters: apiUrl and httpClient.

  • apiUrl: The base URL for your API endpoints. All requests made through the data provider will be made relative to this URL.

    import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
    import dataProvider from "@refinedev/simple-rest";

    const App = () => {
    return (
    /* ... */
  • httpClient: An axios instance used to make HTTP requests. You can provide your own instance otherwise the data provider will create one for you.

    import { Refine, HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
    import dataProvider from "@refinedev/simple-rest";
    import axios from "axios";

    const httpClient = axios.create();

    (response) => {
    return response;
    (error) => {
    const customError: HttpError = {
    message: error.response?.data?.message,
    statusCode: error.response?.status,

    return Promise.reject(customError);

    const App = () => {
    return (
    dataProvider={dataProvider("", httpClient)}
    /* ... */

URL design

The data provider methods are designed to work with REST APIs that follow the standard design. The following table shows the expected URL for each method:

MethodURLQuery ParametersBody
getListapiUrl / resourcepagination, sorters, filters
getOneapiUrl / resource / id
getManyapiUrl / resourceid
createapiUrl / resourcevariables
updateapiUrl / resource / idvariables
deleteOneapiUrl / resource / iddata: variables

Default HTTP methods and customizing them

The following table shows the HTTP method used for each data provider method:

MethodHTTP Method

You can customize the HTTP method used for each data provider method by passing a method property in the meta parameter when calling a hook.

import { useUpdate } from "@refinedev/core";

const { mutate } = useUpdate();

resource: "posts",
id: 1,
variables: {
title: "New title",
meta: {
method: "put",

Passing custom headers

You can pass custom headers to the data provider by passing a headers property in the meta parameter.

import { useOne } from "@refinedev/core";

resource: "posts",
id: 1,
meta: {
headers: {
"X-Custom-Header": "Custom header value",

Customizing the data provider

In some cases, you may need to customize the data provider to work with a REST API that doesn't follow the simple-rest design. In this case, you can use the swizzle command to customize the data provider.


The swizzle command is only available in the @refinedev/cli package. If you don't have it installed, refer to the CLI documentation.

  1. Run the swizzle command in the project directory:

    npm run refine swizzle
  2. Select @refinedev/simple-rest from the list of available data providers.

  3. Edit the /rest-data-provider/index.ts file to customize the data provider.

  4. Pass the customized data provider to the dataProvider prop of the Refine component.

    import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";

    import { dataProvider } from "./rest-data-provider";

    const App = () => {
    return (
    /* ... */