Version: 3.xx.xx
refine Nhost GraphQL Data Provider comes out-of-the-box. Thanks to refine, you can connect to your Nhost database and create special queries and use your data easily. This example shows in detail how you can use the data in your Nhost database with refine project.
ID Data Type
By default, the data provider assume that your ID
type is uuid
, you can change this behavior by using the idType
option. You can pass Int
or uuid
as the value of idType
option or use function to determine the idType
based on the resource name.
Passing 'Int' or 'uuid' to idType
This will allow you to determine the idType
for all resources.
const myDataProvider = dataProvider(client, {
idType: "Int",
Passing function to idType
This will allow you to determine the idType
based on the resource name.
const idTypeMap: Record<string, "Int" | "uuid"> = {
users: "Int",
posts: "uuid",
const myDataProvider = dataProvider(client, {
idType: (resource) => idTypeMap[resource] ?? "uuid",
:::note Demo Credentials Username: Password: demodemo :::
npm create refine-app@latest -- --example data-provider-nhost